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Simple Guide For College Students

By Tom Tessin

the-college-prosCollege is one of the best actions that people can take in order improve the quality of their lives. By going to college people not only increase their earning potential and employment opportunities; they also learn how to become more productive members of our society. The process for turning college students into high quality citizens begins in school. Here is a simple guide for students so that they can get the most out of their experience.

Go to Your Classes

Students pay money to attend a university and this means that they should go to their classes. The college experience is ultimately about the education process over anything else. It’s through this education process that a student is being prepared for the profession that they want to be involved in. So the best thing that any student can do is to show up for their class, be on time, and make sure they absolutely learn something.

Pay your Tuition

You can’t go to school without paying your tuition, well if we don’t take scholarships and grants into consideration. Students who have to work to attend school should make it a point to pay for their expenses while attending. Again, this is because the education for your profession is the most important reason why you’re there.

Have a Social Life

Being social in college is okay as long as it doesn’t interfere with your education. Many people get sidetracked in college because they allow the other aspects of the college life to get in the way of their main purpose for being there. Have a social life in college because it’s a part of the process for you becoming a productive member of our society but don’t allow this social life to get out of control.

Stay out of Debt

Many college students have charge cards and loans that they blow on things they more than likely didn’t need. Spending extra tuition money on foolish pleasures or things is not the best thing to do. Don’t get it wrong, it’s okay to spend some of the money on getting some of the things you want, but remember that you’re going to have to pay that money back one day. Also, charge cards are a college student’s enemy. The laws are
changing because credit card debt is out of control in this country and one part of these changes has to do with college students and credit. The bottom line is students under the age of 21 won’t be able to get a credit card unless they can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they can pay it off or if they have parents who can.

There are plenty more areas that can be covered for this simple college guide for students but the main thing to remember is that college is about your education and that education is what you will need in order to help you make a better life for your family and yourself.

About the author:
Find great student articles like this, and more of Tom’s work all on his student blog.

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Filed under: athletics, Bay Area, California Colleges, Campus Lifestyle, Career Path, Classes, College Debt, College Planning, High School, Junior College, Public Service, Social Networking, Students, , , , , , , , , , ,

College Admission Essay Tips

By Francis Murphy

the-college-prosThis article contains some easy college admission essay tips for you to follow. The first tip is to explain why you are suitable for education in that particular institution. This is because different colleges have different areas of concentrations or different programs that are offered. For instance, a college may have a program in Business but not necessarily one in the field of Communication. Therefore, the student should take this into consideration when writing the college admission essay.

Then, two other college admission essay tips are; the student must be able to explain the fact that he or she is ready for college in the first place and explain why he or she is wants to go to college. The reasons that students give may vary. For example, they may say that they have successfully finished secondary school and wish to pursue higher education to better their chances of getting a job.

Another tip is to make sure that the college admission essay contains information on what program you wish to enroll in, why you have chosen that program, details about the your background, previous education and work experience as well as achievements
in any particular area of life. Other than that, some other college essay admission tips are that the essay should also include interests and hobbies as this will show the admissions committee that the student is active in extra-curricular activities and the student is brilliant in all aspects of life, other than studies.

Finally, it is a blue print of success for the student. Therefore another tip is to show that you are diligent, intelligent, mature, focused and disciplined. The college admission essay goes beyond simply knowing that you are bright. It can encapsulate your character, personality and demeanor in just a few words. It can also be a way of knowing how you will do in college.

About the author:
At the end of this article, I’d like to share cool websites with more tips on topics like
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Filed under: Admissions, Applications, Bay Area, California Colleges, College Planning, Essays, Students, Universities, , , , , ,


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